When our “doing” is below par.

Looking at the “being” part of life.


I’m not very impressed with myself this week.  I got a couple of disappointing numbers.  I missed a couple of things.  I said a couple of things.   Sigh.  

It’s so tempting to skip right into action.  “What can I do to move forward?” “What can I do to make this better?”  “What can I do to be better?”  

But yoga asks us to tap the breaks.  There is something in between, and it’s vital to our sense of well-being.  We need to step back and look at ourselves, silently with stillness and compassion.  Psychologists call it the Ego, yoga calls it Ahamkara, Eckhart Tolle calls it the Becoming Self.  In the everyday world, we are always striving to “become”.  We have a desire to move forward, to do better and be better.  We set goals and have dreams for ourselves.  This is the everyday world!  

But this is not the whole world.  

To know our whole self, we need to see what Tolle calls our Being.  Your Being is the spirit or spiritual part of yourself.  Your Being is already perfectly whole and exactly as it should be, because it is part of the universal spirit (or God, if that rings true for you). There is nothing your Being needs to do. Nobody is asking anything of you. Being isn’t striving or pushing or bettering. Being is connected, accepted, awesomely ok.  

I didn’t “become” very well this week.  But before I jump right into more “becoming”, I’m stepping back and reminding myself that this is not all that I am.  

Until next time,



Adulting Stinks


When time is NOT on our side