Inward Fears Brought Outward

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Momentary, adrenaline-fueled fear fills my entire body. But what about a dormant, prolonged fear? When I feel this kind of fear, it’s inward - deep inside my chest and throat. It’s heavy and pressing, sometimes making it difficult to breathe around. It’s almost like being close to tears, but more dense because I’m not anticipating a release. It’s daunting.

The power of the mind/body connection, the chakras, is at the very center of yoga. If we can physically open an area of the body, we may begin to open the emotions as well. If we can stretch and open the throat physically, we may just begin to bring forth that fear.

Once loosened, that fear can be brought forward and out. Perhaps we voice it aloud or name it in prayer or meditation. Or may we choose to unpacked it by describing it in written words or talking about it with caring friends. Other times, that fear may come out with a need for action.

The throat chakra lies between the heart and the head. Physically, that blocked fear feels like it’s difficult to breathe around. Emotionally, it can do the same.

It’s daunting, I know. So let’s start physically. If we can breathe freer, we may be able to coax that inward fear outward.

Until next time,



Feeling Powerless?