Healthy Anticipation

Lessons from Spring

Yin and Yang

Lessons from Spring (Yin and Yang)

I have a love/hate relationship with spring.  Warm sunny spring days bring such peace and delight.  They provide new energy and new freedom.  But those cold/rainy/snowy/blowy spring days are the worst!!  The fireplaces, winter hiking clothes, and soft sweaters that kept me cozy and content all winter long now feel like a burden.  Truth be told, it seems like I’m a bit grumpy every rainy spring morning.  

But isn’t this overlooking one of the most powerful energies that spring brings?  I’m talking about anticipation.  

Usually the energy of anticipation is something we artificially create. We look forward to trips and planned visits with loved ones and scheduled days off.  In healthy doses, it can motivate us and keep us stepping forward. Spring - with its crazy mix of weather - provides us with natural anticipation.  If we choose to see it this way.  

Yoga challenges us to even-out our energy, both Yin and Yang.  Swinging from grumpy to joyful at each weather change doesn’t sound very evened-out to me.  Instead of focusing on the grumps, maybe we need to focus on the next warm day.  I know this isn’t exactly living in the moment, but perhaps mixing a little healthy anticipation in with the present is a good, natural way to even-out that chaotic spring energy.   

Until next time, 





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