Being a Crab?
Pulling back the curtain.
I realized this evening that I haven’t exactly been the nicest companion this week. Maybe even a bit dramatic. Embarrassed sigh.
But this moment of noticing is actually a win. Think back to Dorothy’s noticing moment in the Wizard of Oz, which enabled her to slide back the curtain to reveal the real man behind. Reality was unpretentious and unembellished compared to the dramatic curtain. It was humbling.
When we are ready to notice our drama, yoga is ready with 4 realities (duhkhams) behind the curtain.
CHANGE Has life thrown some changes at you lately? When our circumstances change, we suffer.
LONGING Is there something you long for that you are not currently getting? When we want something that seems out of reach at the moment, we suffer.
STUCK Have you been stuck in a pattern that isn’t serving you or causing harm? When we are stuck in repeat-mode, we suffer.
UNBALANCE Has your energy been off lately, too high or too low? When we are yawning by noon or wide awake at midnight, we suffer.
What’s behind my crabby week? For me, the reality is a mix of change and longing. My yoga teaching took an unexpected turn two months ago. I was proud of myself for rolling with the punches, but I think the change has shaken my vision a bit. I’m feeling a bit lost. I guess I am suffering.
Pulling back the curtain on our drama often reveals a reality that is unpretentious, unembellished and humbling. In other words, Real. I’m suffering a bit here. That’s the reality. And it’s OK.
Until next time,