Autumn Grounding

How to resist drifting away into schedules and plans. 

Grounding ourselves in the present moment is easy during the fun energy of summer.  As we soak in the sun and splash in the water and laugh with our people, staying present just… happens.  

But grounding ourselves in the present moment during the fall is an altogether different animal.  The energy of fall is “nesting” and “back to business”.  As we become more tied to our calendars and schedules, fall can leave us feeling anxious and comparative.  We spend more time in our heads, planning and anticipating, and less time feeling our body.  (Ever have an autumn headache that “comes out of nowhere”?)   It’s no wonder then, that it’s harder to stay aware and resist the urge to drift away into our thoughts and plans.     

When I’m feeling in need of some autumn grounding, I like to use a combination of touch and mindfulness like this one: 

Begin by feeling your feet touching the ground.  Stretch up your arches and then stretch up your toes.  Wiggle your toes and spread them wide.  Relax all four corners of your foot against the earth.  

Now let your eyes get soft and imagine your inhaled breath coming through your feet and all the way up to your head.  Imagine your exhale traveling through your body leaving out your feet.  Imagine your breath coming from the earth, through you, and back to the earth.   


Although grounding is just one way to relax in the fall, it has a lot of benefits.  Unlike wine or scrolling Tiktok, connecting with the present moment helps us connect with our people.  We catch little emotional rewards like a smile from a coworker or a knowing look from a loved one.  

No drifting away.

Until next time,



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