Finding Balance

Identifying what type of energy you need -

Ida or Pingala 

Identifying what type of energy you need (Ida or Pingala)

Some road-trips are all about putting on the tunes, rolling down the window and going into zone mode.  Ahhh.  Yoga would call this a moon energy (ida) drive.  Other road-trips are filled with fun anticipation from the first turn of the engine to that final pull into your destination.  Yoga would call this a sun energy (pingala) drive.  

But driving through the mountains this past week put me into a completely different energy mode.   I was in awe of the majestic beauty of the place, and yet still kept my mind focussed on driving the windy roads.  I was relaxed and breathing in the mountain air, yet fully awake and ready to react to any road surprises.  I was able to sustain this energy for hours. (Even idiot drivers didn’t stand a chance of altering it.) Yoga calls this type of energy a balance of sun and moon.  

So how do we find this balanced energy when we are not on vacation?  

For me, a new hiking spot is one way to launch it.  I can’t zone out because I’ll lose my sense of direction, but I’m in nature which calms my senses.  Yoga also does it for me, because I end a yoga class both relaxed and energized.  If you have only a few minutes, try to identify which type of energy you have too much of and go from there.  If you have too much sun energy, try a breathing meditation or a balancing yoga pose (like tree).  If you have too much moon energy, try spot-cleaning a small area (like your car) using a lemon scented oil or dancing to a song.  

I think the big thing is identifying what a balanced energy feels like in your body, and then cultivating a desire to feel it. 

Until Next Time,



Is it even worth it?


Journey in Grace