Yoga Trail Talks

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Finding a Reliable Energy Within Us


The English language has a vast array of phrases that describe our energy level:  losing steam, bundle of energy, spent, fire up…  Most of these phrases either describe our energy as high or as low.

Yoga also speaks of energies.  But instead of focusing on high or low, yoga describes it more like tendencies.  “Tamas Guna” is a tendency toward the quiet and contemplative (but also brings energies such as solitary, tired, uninspired, stale, down.)  “Rajas Guna” is a tendency toward the passionate and talkative (but also brings energies such as a need for constant change, quick to anger, and anxious).  

While current day society gives the thumbs-up to high energy and the thumbs-down to low energy, yoga speaks of mixing them together to find a balance.  Yoga describes smoothing out our energy waves, to mostly medium, consistent, sustainable.  

If we are to achieve our New Year goals, we are going to need this consistent, sustainable energy.  Pushing through and crashing is not going to get us what we want.  When our energy gets too frenzied, we need to mix in some quiet and contemplative (tamas).  When our energy gets too drained, we need to mix in some passion and motivation (rajas). 

It’s time to wipe away the picture of that smiling, talkative, active person achieving their goals.  It’s time to stop pushing away that quiet, solitary, contemplative person as lazy and alone.  It’s time to embrace “sustainable”, “consistent” and my personal favorite, “reliable”.  We practice smoothing out our energy waves, so we can begin to find that reliable energy within us.  

Until next time,
