Yoga Trail Talks

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Yes, it matters.

And there’s a good reason why.


Every time I put on my deodorant, I smile.  

It’s not really the deodorant - it’s the cardboard applicator.  Now, I fully understand that my little plastic-free deodorant is just a small drop in the bucket when it comes to healing the earth.  But this small choice of mine pleases me.  It makes me smile.  And therein lies the key.

Small things that make us smile are like a little pebble-drop in a big ocean.  The tiny energy spreads out in all directions in diminutive waves and then ripples out farther and farther, becoming minuscule and then microscopic.  Scientifically, the tiny pebble pushes the water out of the way, which creates both a hole and a circular peak, which in turn drops and pushes more water out of the way.

Yoga’s name for the energy inside of us is Prana.  This unseen energy flows within us and around us like an ocean. Now imagine what happens to our prana energy when something small makes us smile. Picture that gentle ripple of energy within us. And then oh so subtly rippling out into the world.

Yes, small things matter.  

But this is not the kind of “matter” that we humans normally mean.  If you really think about it, asking if something you do really “matters” is actually that oh-so-human act of comparing.  When we worry that something matters less than we thought, we are implying that other things matter more. So let’s be conscious of the comparing nature of “matter” and like the pebble, let’s push that out of our thoughts.

What we do matters because we are part of the universal energy. Which also means that you matter.

Until next time,


Yoga is not a religion, and cannot be claimed by any one religion. Feel free to call the universal energy by any name of your belief.  

Want more?

When Things Weigh us Down: Prana Movement (yoga trail talks)