Yoga Trail Talks

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Don’t forget to plan for AFTER your vacation

Countering: A post-vacation stress reduction strategy

In yoga, we have something called counter poses.  (If you do a twist in one direction, you counter this by twisting in the other direction.)  This idea of “countering” can be applied to our everyday life, providing us with a very practical post-vacation stress reduction strategy.  Here’s how it works.

After a vacation of wonderfully indulging in food, drink, relaxation and connection, we often come home to a feeling of low-grade stress simmering away on the back burner.  Sure we’ve jokingly said, “I need a vacation after my vacation” but that’s more of a brush-away than a true acknowledgement.  After being blessed with vacation days, it may even feel a bit silly or spoiled to be grumbling about stress. 


Instead of brushing it away or letting it simmer, what if we plan on it?  What if we just plan on feeling that low-grade post-vacation stress.  Then, like a yoga instructor planning those counter poses, we plan them right into our post-vacation week.  


If we indulge in rich foods during our vacation, we counter this by planning a list of belly-soothing foods to eat the following week.  If we enjoyed alcohol, perhaps the next week is countered by a week of liver-friendly drinks.  If we sat and relaxed for most of vacation, build in some slow hikes the next week to keep up a slow-but-steady energy.  If you come back to a million emails, counter this by giving yourself permission to go in two hours late (and spend those two hours going through emails at a local coffee shop).  

Countering helps us plan practically.  But it goes even further!  When we counter, we are acknowledging our indulgences which brings it from the subconscious to the conscious mind.  We are being refreshingly honest with ourselves.  By bringing it to the forefront, we can cut those nasty subconscious thought patterns off at the knees.  “My jeans are tight because I didn’t have enough self-control on vacation.”  “Yep, these jeans are snug but my belly health is being countered and my heart is full of yummy indulgent food memories.” 


Vacation is all about connecting - with others and with ourselves.  Why come back and disconnect?  Stay connected to your honesty by countering your vacation with eyes wide open (and a heart full of great memories).  

Until next time,


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