Yoga Trail Talks

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Invisibly Supported

Supported inside and out.

A friend of mine watched in amazement as a girl she had never seen before ran up to her special needs son after graduation, gave him an enormous hug and said, “I knew you could do it!”  We both teared up as she told me about this beautiful show of invisible support. 

Through discussion, we realized the many unnamed people we see and root for each week:  the grocery store checkout lady, the kids we see growing up at the bus stop, the elderly couples we wave to on our walks.  We marveled at how many people are rooting for us and we don’t even know it.  

Sometimes yoga teachers will refer to the energetic body system, such as asking students to energetically lift from the crown of the head or energetically breathe your worries out.  It begins with a thought, and that thought rolls through the body.  We may not be able to see the energetic body system on an x-ray machine, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, invisibly and substantially supporting us.  

See? We are invisibly supported, inside and out. 

Until next time, 
